A university professor from the Department of Medical Equipment Technology Engineering publishes a new research
يواصل الكادر التدريسي لكلية الحدباء الجامعة دوره في انعاش حركة البحث العلمي العراقية حيث نشر التدريسي م.م. محمد سالم محمد في قسم هندسة تقنيات الاجهزة الطبية في الكلية بحثه المعنون (Public perceptions about nanotechnology: risks, benefits and trust) في مجلة (Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives) المؤرشفة ضمن مستوعب (Scopus).
The faculty members at Al-Hadba University College continue to revive the Iraqi scientific research movement. Mohammed Salim Mohamed is a professor at Department of Medical Equipment Technology Engineering who published research titled (Public perceptions about nanotechnology: risks, benefits, and trust). In the journal (Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives) which is archived within(Scopus) database.
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